Karen Clements

Deputy CEO, Director of Campaigns

Karen is the Deputy CEO and Director of Campaigns at LOW. She provides in-depth insight into the workings of EU institutions, strategic advice to clients on how to design campaigns that get their messages across to key stakeholders and decision-makers; and hands-on expertise in events programming and management.

At LOW, Karen oversees and manages the development of the SME Assembly, European Enterprise Promotion Awards, SME Week for DG GROW. Karen is also responsible for overseeing communications strategies and activities for clients like the American Seed Trade Association, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Mozilla.

Karen’s long professional experience as Head of European Affairs at the Confederation of British Industry and EU Advisor to the British Chambers of Commerce means that she is an unparalleled source of advice on all European Union policy matters that affect business; an expert in providing strategic advice to clients on how to influence the European policy agenda; and a valuable resource for training business in the workings of the EU institutions.

Karen is a native English speaker and is fluent in French.