HEInnovate: Empowering HEIs to Embrace Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

HEInnovate is an initiative spearheaded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) and supported by the OECD LEED Forum. It provides a structured self-assessment tool designed to help Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) enhance their entrepreneurial and innovation capabilities. Despite its proven benefits, many HEIs—across Europe and beyond—remain unaware of its full potential. In parallel with the rebranding of the Education for Innovation Practice Community (EIPC) into the Community for Educational Innovation (CEI), HEInnovate aims to empower HEIs across Europe—and beyond—to fully harness its transformative potential. 


The power and potential of HEInnovate is currently underrealised due to limited awareness and engagement. Outdated resources, inconsistent communication, and insufficient outreach have hindered HEIs from accessing the comprehensive benefits the tool offers. Additionally, the recent rebranding of the Education for Innovation Practice Community (now CEI) has not yet achieved widespread recognition, limiting its impact on fostering meaningful collaboration and innovation within the sector. 


As a proud member of the consortium led by PPMI, LOW is in charge of communications and is dedicated to redefining how HEInnovate is communicated and experienced. Our mission centres on:

  • Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach: Proactively reaching out to HEIs to ensure they are fully aware of and can benefit from the HEInnovate tool—both within Europe and globally. 

  • Clear and Recognisable Communication: Ensuring that every service offered under the HEInnovate umbrella is well known, easily accessible, and clearly understood. 

  • Be an HEInnovator Campaign: Driving a powerful testimonial-led campaign that highlights the experiences of the HEInnovate Expert Group and success stories from HEIs that have embraced entrepreneurial and innovative practices. 

  • CEI (Community for Educational Innovation) Visual Identity: Setting up CEI brand with a dynamic new visual identity that reflects and recall HEInnovate. 


LOW’s strategy combines targeted multi-channel communication, video testimonials, infographics, egaging events and tailored resource development. By working with our partners in updating case studies, training materials, and interactive content, we aim to bridge the gap between HEInnovate’s capabilities and the needs of HEIs. Through personalised outreach and collaborative initiatives, LOW is committed to building a vibrant community that truly leverages the transformative potential of HEInnovate. 

Together with PPMI and our partners, LOW is committed to revitalising HEInnovate, ensuring that its services are recognised and effectively support innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education. 


European Enterprise Promotion Awards


EU4Business: Connecting Companies