LOW reappointed to manage DG REGIO’s Border Focal Point project

Brussels, 4 March 2022

LOW Associates has been re-appointed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) to promote the exchange of best practices on cross border cooperation.  

The objective of the project is to promote the Border Focal Point Network as a community of interest groups whose unique perspectives on cross-border cooperation serve to improve the lives of the millions of Europeans who live in border regions.    

This two-year contract will be carried out by a consortium led by LOW, with their partners TREK Development SA, an experienced contractor with significant expertise in territorial cooperation (cross-border, transnational and interregional), urban and regional development, and policy-making at local/regional, national, and EU level.   

The consortium will be advised by a leading expert in the field, Dr Eduardo Medeiros, Geography Professor and Researcher at DINAMIA'CET-IUL, Lisbon University, Portugal.   

Sally Low, CEO of LOW, said:   

“We are delighted to be working once again with DG REGIO on this prestigious contract to boost growth and cohesion in EU border regions. These regions are truly the living labs of European integration.” 

Notes for editors:  

About the Border Focal Point Network 

This EU-wide online professional network is part of the 10 measures proposed by the adopted Commission Communication  "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions" which aims to highlight ways in which Europe can reduce the complexity, length and costs of cross-border interaction and promote the pooling of services along internal EU borders.  

The proposed actions focus on enhancing the competitive and cohesive situation of border regions, notably by addressing some of the legal and administrative barriers currently hampering closer cooperation and interaction.

A "Border Focal Point" composed of Commission experts in cross-border issues will coordinate these actions and support national and regional authorities to tackle legal and administrative border obstacles. 

To facilitate this process and to ensure that good practices are shared, this online professional network provides border stakeholders, with a platform to discuss and present cross-border issues and solutions. The key objective of the network will be to create a stronger cross-border community at European level. The Border Focal Point Network will also use this platform to engage fully with cross-border stakeholders and practitioners. 

The Communication  is the result of two years of intensive research and dialogue with cross-border stakeholders, national authorities of Member States and partner countries and regional/local authorities. For more information please visit the Border Focal Point Network webpage.  


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